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To Observe and Orient assumes that we are already at a point of Orientation. That Orientation changes through our Observations. It is important to realize what under girds, stands behind, is the basis of, our Orientation. These are values that we are using to Decide or Discern how to change through Action. If we are not clear about what our values are there are two choices that we face. One is to stay put, never changing. The other is to go wherever the wind blows. I see both as patterns of behavior in organizations today. Should we change because we have been influenced to change, or, seduced to change. Or should we change because, new information affects our current Orientation in such a way that we see how our values to have a greater impact upon what we are doing. It is possible that we find that our core values cannot withstand the challenge of Observation and Orientation. If so, our new Orientation really needs to address the core value question because without them, it is difficult to maintain a unified culture. What I find is that many organizations are at this point, incapable of adapting because they are paralyzed by the loss of Orientation.

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